Feniton History Group 36th Meeting

Sadly I could not attend and Brenda kindly took over the reins: Here is her report, edited in part by me.

 We missed you last night! (Had a problem keeping the chat on history subjects!) 

We hope to book a talk by Tom Coleman for the March meeting. 

Field walking would be popular. Leave it to Graham and you to find a field and appropriate time of year.

A visit to Fursdon could be any time in the summer, not much planning needed. Same for Whimple Heritage centre.

Re-museum - could not be discussed without Geoff but George is keen to continue.

I have been collating a Excel file to show a "Time Line" for events that would have effected village, I have shared a copy with Brenda:  Re your amazing time-line - (others had not seen it yet) I was puzzled by when Houses of Hanover and Windsor ended and began. My book of Kings and Queens does not have Saxe-Coburg Gotha as a 'house',(Edward VII Hanover & then George V Windsor) but on web sites I found it as you have put it. We had some discussion about this.

From my research the name changed from Saxe-Coburg Gotha in 1917

We also talked about how the Romans did surveying land,  Feniton in snowy winters, and in war-time. Did Eisenhower really spend a night in his train in a siding at Sidmouth   Junction?

We had a package/letter addressed to our Group delivered to the Nog Inn, concerning the Venn family, and asking for help.

We arranged the next meeting in the Nog for Feb 14th.

Thank you Brenda for taking the meeting.