Report on Martin Howell's Talk 19th Oct 2017

Sadly due to the stormy weather only eight visitors were able to enjoy Martin's fascinating illustrated talk, here are my rough notes taken on the night. These snippets are wonderful and worth reseraching further on the Internet or in books.

“A miscellany of little known facts about Churches.”

Ogham:  a script used in Celtic times.
 A Viking tomb, 8th C, known as a Hogs Back Tomb.
Various Saxon crosses, the one in Colyton church found after a fire and reconstructed.
The Saxon stone building pattern of Long and short work in a Saxon Crypt.
Romsey Abbey has an example a carving Dextera (Right Hand of God).
Norman font in Clyst St Lawrence Church. Old fonts would often be reused in new churches.
Norman chevrons and beak head carving on Iffley Church, Oxford
The Rose for the Virgin Mary.
The Daisy for the Virgin Mary and virginity.
The Green Man origins are unknow, but many myths surround him, thought to signify rebirth and the Spring.
Bestiality animals carved in various forms and symbols.
Sheela na gig a carved figure of an old hag showing all her nakedness  11th / 12th C.
signifying lust and evil, atropay or fallen.
Mensa table with consecration crosses.
There 2 tombs  in the UK with original saint bones, these have holes to place your head to pray or place a withered limb.
Masons and Carpenter marks. Used to show work done for their pay or aligning joints.
The Church house used as village hall and brew house for ale revels, Bridal is derived from the Bride Ale.
Sundials, round and linear
Sanctuary ring  or knob on the door, once grasped, you  40 days to arrange  for your defence.
Hunky Punks are a form of carved figure placed on the outside of churches, Hunky means to hunker down and punk is short legged
Pelican shed her blood to feed her young, she dies, but the young survive, as Christ shed his blood to save us.
Gurney stove an early heater for the church
Funeral helmets.

Hatchments hung on house then moved to church, male on the left, wife on the right, black background shows the death.

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